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What to expect when contacting Parentline

How Parentline can help you

Parent using laptop sitting on couch

Key Points

  • Parentline is a free confidential service that provides support to parents.
  • The service provides free virtual counselling for parents, guardians and caregivers.
  • Support is available via phone, WebChat or email.
  • Phone and email support is available between every day across Queensland and Northern Territory.
  • WebChat support is available between 8am and 9pm every day.

Navigating parenting concerns or worries can make you feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed. Parentline is a service that provides free virtual counselling for parents, guardians and caregivers, offering support between 8am to 10 pm every day across Queensland and the Northern Territory.

If you have never reached out for parenting support, it is ok to feel unsure and nervous about what to expect, and the Parentline counsellors are available to normalise these feelings.

Parentline has qualified counsellors available to provide a non-judgemental and confidential space to listen to your concerns and explore the circumstances of your situation.

Parentline can help you manage your fears, anxieties, and emotions to help discover what may be happening for your child and identify their need.

There are many ways to engage with Parentline to make you feel comfortable, understood, heard, and supported. You can contact us as a one-off. Or you may choose to engage with a preferred counsellor regularly. You can discuss with your counsellor an individualised access plan that can include you calling Parentline or, if you prefer, Parentline contacting you.

Contacting by phone

If something is pressing that you want to talk about, call Parentline on 1300 30 1300. They are available between 8am and 10pm – 7 days per week.

Depending on the availability of the counsellors, you may be placed on call waiting – typically for a few minutes. If you cannot wait, there is an option to leave a voice message. A counsellor will usually call you back within 2 hours or the following day.

On the call

Once connected, the counsellor will introduce themselves. If you prefer, you can request to talk to a particular counsellor with whom you have previously spoken. If the counsellor you request is unavailable, you will need to wait until that person is back on shift. It is up to you if you want to call back later or speak to another counsellor instead.

Upon starting your counselling session, your counsellor and you will have an open chat about what is going on and explore the circumstances of your situation. Your counsellor will ask questions based on what you are saying to try and get more information to support you, but it is up to you to say whatever you want – they will be listening regardless!

Parentline image with phone number, email and website

At the end of the call

By the end of the call, your counsellor may suggest or help you find some methods for coping and a way forward that will fit in with you and your family. They may also offer some other supports or services that may be able to help.

If you want to be supported by Parentline again, chat with your counsellor and discuss an individualised access plan that can include you calling Parentline or Parentline calling you at a preferred day and time.

If you call again and speak to a different counsellorby stating your name and age, any counsellor can review your records, so you do not have to repeat yourself.

Contacting by Webchat

If you prefer writing to talking, then WebChat counselling is an alternative to phone counselling. The WebChat service is available every day from 8am-9pm.

Webchat works like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp – except you need to login through the Parentline website

Sometimes there may be waiting times before connecting with a counsellor. If you are happy to wait, you may want to look through the other helpful resources on their website.

Before starting, you will need to fill out a questionnaire; do not worry – it is just to get to know your situation so they can help you better once you are connected.


Starting your session, you and the counsellor will have an open chat about what is going on for you and explore the circumstances of your situation. Your counsellor will ask questions based on what you are saying to try and get more information to support you, but it is up to you to say whatever you want – they will be listening regardless!

Sometimes a counsellor may request your permission to continue the session over the phone. It is up to you if you can take or make a phone call.

Contacting by email

If you are struggling to find the time to call or use the WebChat service, the Parentline email service gives you time to express what is happening to you in a time that suits you, plus the freedom to respond when you are ready. You can email Parentline at:

In the automated reply message, you will be encouraged to call or use WebChat if you feel the matter is urgent.

A counsellor will reply to your email as soon as they can with questions, support, resources, and referral options.

Parentline Logo with phone and website

More information

Last Updated: 16 July 2024