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School based apprenticeships and traineeships

Gaining skills and training, while still completing year 12 with their peers.

student training in senior years

Education options have changed a lot over the years. You and your child might be hearing a lot about subject selection and planning for senior years.

School based apprenticeships and traineeships (SATs)– typically offered in senior schooling years – are workplace-based training in their chosen field, while continuing to study alongside their peers in school; gaining skills and training as well as completing year 12.

You might be surprised by the variety of industries that SATs are available in. Take a look at the Skills Gateway site to see some options, or if your child has something in mind, you can talk to a local employer or explore the classifieds for SAT opportunities in your area. You can also talk to your child’s school or industry support liaison officers.

A vocational qualification in school can help your child into a secure future, or act as a stepping stone to university if that’s their choice.

How to apply

To apply for a SAT, students will need approval and support of their parent/guardian and work with the school to sign a training contract which outlines the length of the apprenticeship. If they have the support of an employer, and are interested in pursuing the skills/knowledge and experience involved in this career pathway, they can talk to the school about completing SAT in their senior years.

Benefits of in-school training

Completing their traineeship or apprenticeship in-school means they will have access to school support, and to ensure their training is fulfilled to the agreement. It also means they are still able to complete their senior schooling and attaining their QCE (year 12 certificate).

Last Updated: 22 June 2022