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How trusted adults can help nurture your child’s spark

Ways that trusted adults can help your child nurture their spark

teacher helps student

Helping your child nurture their spark is not something you need to do alone. In fact, research shows that having caring adults in a child’s life increases the likelihood they will flourish. Encouraging trusted adults to help your child nurture their spark can be very positive for your child in helping them develop their spark and navigating life’s challenges.

Make connections

Is there someone in your family or circle of friends who shares the same spark as your child? Talk to them about your child and ask them to help you nurture your child’s interest or talent. Such trusted adults can spend time with your child doing the activity your child loves to do or put your child in touch with a person or organisation who could help them develop their talent or interest. Just having trusted adults talk to your child about their shared interest can go a long way to encouraging your child to keep growing their spark.

Share life experiences

When trusted adults share their life experiences with your child, it helps them feel accepted and part of something bigger than themselves. The knowledge that they are not the only one who likes a particular thing or feels a certain way will encourage them to keep developing their spark and help keep them motivated and engaged in the world around them.

Encourage positive influencers

Research has found that young people who have mentor-like relationships with trusted adults are more likely to complete the tasks they start, remain calm in the face of challenges, show interest in learning new things, and engage in activities at school. Encouraging your child to connect with trusted adults in your extended family, a family friend, or a teacher at school, can help them develop their spark while contributing to their positive mental health and wellbeing.

Spark for life

The more people who see and support your child’s spark, the more likely your child is to find their purpose and stay motivated in pursuit of their spark. Remember: sparks give young people purpose, help them learn, and make them stronger. So combining a spark with support from caring adults can be a powerful force for good in your child’s life.

Last Updated: 21 June 2022