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Support for parents when it feels too much

Where to find help when your child is struggling at school.

I need help, it’s all too much:

Mother: I’m not really a confident person and this year has been a pretty crazy year at school. There are ups and downs and all that kind of stuff.

Student: It’s been a challenge over the years. Getting bullied at school. Making friends and with school work and stuff…

Mother: I’ve had my little moments where I thought I was just going to give up. We can’t get the help that we need and all this.

Principal: One of the big things that can be missing from a child’s journey is that teachers don’t have the information about some of the stuff that’s affecting the way they are coming to class.

With the best communication system in the world, no teacher is going to be aware of all that for 25 kids that are walking in the door at once so it starts with a conversation.

Mother: Go there and talk to them with your child so your child can open up and tell them how they feel and then go from there.

Student: It is important to work as a team so you can help each other with different problems that are happening out of school and in school.

Mother: Now like I’m involved with school so much… I feel happy, I’ve got someone there to talk to. Talk to the teachers, or whoever at the school who can support you. Talk to your kids. Make sure they are aware of who they can talk to if they need help at school and just be there for them.

Last Updated: 22 June 2022