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Ways to praise your child and celebrate wins

Celebrating your child's wins

teenager embraced with mum

Sometimes getting through the school years can feel like a marathon for everyone. So when you’re in it for the long haul, it’s important to stop every now and again, recognise how far you’ve come, and celebrate the wins.

Recognise the ‘little wins’

Recognising your child’s little wins can go a long way to encouraging a positive mindset about school and their learning. When a child gets a taste of success, it opens their mind to what is possible and can motivate them to want to learn more.

Set achievable goals

It’s important to recognise that lots of small steps can make a big difference. Don’t put pressure on yourself or your child by setting goals that are too big and ambitious. By identifying realistic goals, you can get some easy ‘runs on the board’ which will build your confidence, and your child’s too, so you can both keep going.

Turn a failure into a win

Sometimes it can seem like no matter how hard your child tries, things just don’t work out for them. When this happens, encourage your child to see this as something valuable they can learn from. Explain to them that mistakes are an opportunity to learn and that by sticking at it, they will eventually succeed.

Success takes time

Big accomplishments don’t happen overnight. If you spend too much time focusing on the end goal, you’ll miss all the little wins along the way. Recognising the small wins will help you and your child stay motivated so you can reach the big goal. Take the time to break down the large goals into smaller goals so you can create achievable goals, celebrate them, and use that momentum to stay on track.

Download the tip sheet – Wins worth celebrating

Wins worth celebrating


Last Updated: 22 June 2022